Oct.2019: P2

Poetry: Debra Watson. Chat: Sex work after the revolution? Prose: Maya Angelou.

00:05 DERBRA WATSON (Poetry Brothel, The Bloody Poets, and The Crimson Word) performing intimately filthy poetry for AvA from her book ‘Laments & Incantations’ and chatting about monetising time, punk-era gender bending and unorthodox feminisms.
18:15 WILL SEX WORK EXIST AFTER THE REVOLUTION? AvA crew gamely tackles this and related questions (What is sex work? Which revolution?) for a documentary project, in a rigorous rant which quickly deteriorates into blood in the streets, AI sex, and sinister visions of Elon Musk leading clients to Mars.
35:23 ECP NEWS: Charlotte with a news digest from the English Collective of Prostitutes on Universal Credit, Guilty Feminist podcasts, USProstitutes Collective updates, No Bad Women play, 17th December memorial day.
45:55 RADIO B EASY: a sound bite from an interview with Maya Angelou about sex work closets and on-topic excerpt from ‘Come Together in My Name' including her of her first time story.


OCT.2019: P3


Oct.2019: P1