Oct.2019: P1

The first part of our ultra-epic Samhain show. Film: Hustlers. Twitter: Clarsypatron. Rant: Online escoring sites. Play: No Bad Women.

10:33 HUSTLERS: a scathing strippers’ critique of the block buster film, spotlighting the many ways in which is screwed actual dancers on screen and behind the scenes.
24:23 CLARSEYPATRON: a commemoration service to the funniest sex workers’ twitter profile ever, cruelly deleted in the bloom of its short bright virtual life.
32:10 DID YOU SURVIVE AW? a story from an unenthusiastic former AW escort who valiantly attempted to tackle the sticky realm of the giant online sex work platform. With helpful tips to help you stay on the right side of the algorithm.
51:11 NO BAD WOMEN, RAPE ON TRIAL: an audio peep into a play based on the true story of two sex workers who took a rapist client to court with Women Against Rape and the ECP, featuring interviews with the writer -director Lesley Delmenico and Lisa Longstaff from WAR. 1st-14th November at Clean Break, London NW5 2LBL.


Oct.2019: P2


Sept.2019: P3