Hookers in the House of the Lord – The Reunion

The unadulterated live recording of the sold out event to mark 40 years to the English Collective of Prostitutes (ECP) occupation of the Church of the Holy Cross in King’s Cross for 12 days to protest “police illegality and racism” against sex workers.

Inspired by the 1975 sex workers’ church occupations in across France following a number of brutal murders, rapes and other violence which the police did nothing about while arresting and fining women instead.

The 18 October reunion which took place as part of Bloomsbury Festival is modelled on the Radio 4 series, with panelists representing different elements and people who participated in the original event.

Listen to captivating and at times heated historical account and current debates, with Bishop Peter Wheatley representing the church, Selma James, Nina Lopez, Sara Callaway representing the ECP, Sue Heiser and Betty Barchard OBE speaking as local residents, and Chris Foster embodying the police.


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