March. 2020: P2

Corona Special B: words from Italy. SWs news. Prisons & surveillance. Apocalypse outfits.

The second part of Radio AvA’s first Covid19 special, and our last crewed bunker show for the foreseeable future.
Fear not, listeners, we’ll be hearing lots from each other in more intimate settings. Are you masked, gloved, and ready for action?

00:20 A message from Italy about repression and insurrections.
04:27 Reports from the UK, Iran, Brazil, and Israel about prisons and detention centres, control, restrictions, surveillance and support. Also: fingering the pulse of the north.
11:47 The English Collective of Prostitutes with news about how sex workers are still ruthlessly targeted by the authorities.
19:35 Laura Agustin with sex workers corona insights and news from India, Jamaica Argentina and Germany.
29:00 What are you going to wear for the apocalypse? Bad puns, ho-horrible jokes..
37:00 AvA’s plots for a less bleak tomorrow and tomorrow and tomorrow.

Apologies about the vintage crackle: our toys' spray might have made the mixer over-moist…


March. 2020: P3


March. 2020: P1