June. 2020: P3

The third and final part of our AcAbulous Show back in the bunker.

The third and final part of our AcAbulous Show back in the bunker. 00:00: A teaser from our second Plague Whores podcast. This time an interview with Kellan Farshea about the early days of AIDS and ACT UP. 17:05 A sex worker's review of the mini serious Hollywood. Yes, the one with the gas station escort agency in it. 33:30 Auntie Wussy, your sex workers agony aunt, with tips on how to go back to work more safely (puppy masks feature), health vs wealth, and putting the fear of corona in clients to demand improved protection and better work conditions. 42:45 Ava's favourite ally band Killdren with music and words from their lockdown album 'Dismembers of Parliament.' 53:20 Voices from the first London Black Trans Lives Matter protest on Sat 20 July and prompts for the sister demos which followed.

00:00: A teaser from our second Plague Whores podcast. This time an interview with Kellan Farshea about the early days of AIDS and ACT UP.
17:05 A sex worker's review of the mini serious Hollywood. Yes, the one with the gas station escort agency in it.
33:30 Auntie Wussy, your sex workers agony aunt, with tips on how to go back to work more safely (puppy masks feature), health vs wealth, and putting the fear of corona in clients to demand improved protection and better work conditions.
42:45 Ava's favourite ally band Killdren with music and words from their lockdown album 'Dismembers of Parliament.'
53:20 Voices from the first London Black Trans Lives Matter protest on Sat 20 July and prompts for the sister demos which followed.


July. 2020: P1


June. 2020: P2