July.2019: P1

A bawdy house pop-up: Age Verification. Naked Anthropologist News. Sub Rosa. 1st time story.

The first part of Radio AvA’s sweaty pop up show from a London sex workers flat, situated in a London borough famous for its vibrant raids culture.
- Pimping cats and ancestral harlots. 05:30
- The latest update on Age Verification, why was it NOT inflicted upon us this month, and the general havoc it's causing anyhow. 13:14
- Sex workers news from the Naked Anthropologist, Laura Agustin. 27:36
- Rebecca’s first time stories. A chat about unpaid trial shifts in sex work and other industries. 35:00
- Readings and impressions from Amber Dawn’s speculative sex workers fiction novel Sub Rosa. 44:50
- A musical mystery.


July.2019: P2


June.2019: P3