Jan.2020: P2

Femmedaemonium subvertises sex. Malige fights systematic violence in Karnatka. Ho gig!

02:44 Lilith and Lilith from the sex workers & allies performance collective Femmedaemonium https://www.femmedaemonium.com take the mics to agitate for a feminist sex workers subvertising campaign (which radio AvA does not condone) of anti-capitalist sex workers, and regale us with tales from the underworld of mythological hussies and ancient harlots. If you have art work, writing or a voice to contribute to this action, email info@femmedaemonium.com.
33:28 The Avas & guests shamelessly flog our benefit gig on Saturday 25th January at New Rivers Studio. Bonus: Efa does a Britney cover.
38:28 An interview with with Malige, a sex worker and activist with the Karnataka sex workers organisation Sadhana Mahila Sangha, about how she started, the interlinked structures of police and gang violence, her take on whore stigma, and simple but sometimes effective strategies she learnt for dealing with rabid cops.

More sick tunes and wickedly fancy jingles!
Photo: Rachel Hardwick


Jan.2020: P3


Jan.2020: P1