Feb.2020: P2

Migrant sex workers news. SW & the apocalypse. Agony aunt. Wanker vs keepers.

The Second part of this month’s episode with your favourite regular segments and more dystopia centred rants and tunes by Gia + crew.

00:10 Naked Anthropologist News: Laura Agustin with Brexit and migration special sex workers news round-up.
06:38 Self Destruct Nation: a banging song by Killdren on the show’s Brexit and other Tory fuckeries (sorry, got so excited we forgot to introduce it).
10:47 What will sex workers bring to the Apocalypse? Contains nose smashing breasts, problem solving skills, and killer heels.
23:10 Ask Auntie Wussy Pillow, Ava’s sex workers agony aunt: outing and being outed in different environments, apropos our benefit gig and civvy jobs. FOMO warning.
41:17 Wankers vs Keepers corner: A spotty dickhead tries to do a runner and an infestation of Daves.
55:20 Community announcements. Also: Sunday 23rd Feb 2:30-5pm: Strike Action and Infrastructure meeting at Halkevi.


Feb.2020: P3


Feb.2020: P1