Feb.2019: P3

Hot updates from the strippers union. Auntie Wussy on discounts. A sleazebag wanker.

A conversation with the Strippers Union member Nadia and trade activist Shiri Shalmy from United Voices of the World about the campaign to unionise workers in the sex industry and the group's first successful claims against strip-clubs, made as part of a campaign to establish strippers' workers' rights. Chatting about the complexities of the term sex workers, cracking the mysterious worker vs freelance statues, and shamelessly inciting to join the 8th or March Sex / Work Women Strike Action. https://www.uvwunion.org.uk
Auntie Wussy reveals her brilliant technique to turn our desperation into client’s desperation, and a particularly offensive wanker is shared, shamed and shredded. Also, slimy slogans.


March. 2019: P2


Feb.2019: P2