Dec. 2020: The sex workers Brexit survival manual II


The UK has left the EU. What’s a ho to do? Pussy and Margo chatted to our trusty immigration lawyer on the eve of disaster about how might sex workers and others living and working informally sort out our status without getting into troubles.

If you were here before 31st December 2020, here is what you can do before the cut off date on 30 June 2021.

02:15 The grace period.

03:25 What happens if I haven’t done anything yet? What evidence do I need to provide and how can I get creative?

07:15 What if I apply for settled status and get refused? What’ the difference between pre-settled and settled status?

10:10 Margo, a papers-shy EU sex worker, joins the conversation to ask: what’s my deadline? Are train tickets proof enough? How does the application app work and does it spy on me? Is a letter from a mate I’m staying with enough?

14:00 Is the home office out to get me, and are they going to ask me about work? Will I need to pay taxes if I apply (and if yes, can I sue the sate for being my pimp)? How about a dedicated account not related to my work?

18:10 If I apply, can they refuse and would I have immigration banging on my door if that happens? How about cautions and false documents?

20:45 Step by step application advice for Margo.

23:05 What if I have a criminal record, a suspended sentence or a caution? What do they check? What’s the threshold?

28:45 Is it worth saying that I am a sex worker when applying, and what if I have payments from sex work platforms or clients in my bank account? Should I boost my income?

32:35 What happens if sex work is further criminalised and that’s the only income you can show?

33:55 Does settled status expire? Is there a chance I will get kicked out if not naturalised?

35:10 UK citizens in the EU: application deadlines and how hard would it be?

36:30 What happens if you are stranded because of Covid and did not make the deadline– are there any exemptions?

38:05 Working in the EU – what visas will UK citizens need, and could we get work permits as sex workers? How will Brexit and Covid screw our ability to make a living even more?

42:15 Where can I get practical help when I am freaking out? Would legal advisors and the powers that be have an issue with sex workers applicants if we expose ourselves now?

45:35 What should I do if I have children? Does this help my application?

47:50 What if I am in a relationships with someone outside the EU?

50:40 Worst case scenarios: What happened if I do nothing by 30 June?

54:35 What if I am caught in a brothel raid? Will being identified a sex worker spoil my chances of getting status?

59:25 A handy listeners’ digest of steps to take now.


Jan. 2021: Read so you don't weep


Nov. 2020: P3