Sept. 2018: P1

Raid on Seventh Heaven. Resilient & Resisting. Vanessa Campos action. PUSSY Berlin.

The first part of our September show featuring: Gia tells Ava about being raided by the immigration police while working at the Seventh Heaven strip club in Glasgow and unionising sex workers; a story challenging the notion of freedom of labour from Resilient and Resisting; an excerpt from Liad Hussein Kantorowicz’s performance PUSSY in the Berlin biennale and a semi-related debate about tricky boundaries and different methods a of cam work; a call in with Tansy en -route to the French embassy in London to protest the murder of Vanessa Campos - a migrant trans sex worker who was murdered in the Bois de Boulogne, and demand repeal of the Nordic model in France; cool music from cool women and other vectors of coolness.


Sep. 2018: P2


Aug. 2018: P2