Nov. 2018: P2

Films about alliances with disabled clients. Ms Tytania on the outer reaches of porn.

In which we first discuss the documentary films tackling working and campaigning with clients with functional disabilities: ‘Scarlet Road’ (Catherine Scott, Australia 2011) and ‘Yes, We Fuck’ (Antonio Centeno and Raúl de la Moren, Spain 2015) and disagree about mostly everything, and make up by listening to stimulating highlights from Itziar Bilbao Urrutia, aka Ms Tytania’s talk ‘Yes, but is it sex?! In the outer reaches of porn: fetish and obscenity’ at (#) Not The Anarchist Bookfair in London, about truly radical feminist fetishes and the folly of censors.


Nov. 2018: P3


Nov. 2018: P1