Dec. 2018: P1

Breached privacy & real names / a sewage of wankers / punchy migrant SW documentary.

The first part of our December show, opening with a tale of a client spying on a worker via Paypal and a chat about what you can do about this, evolving into a full-blown rant about punter’s obsession with our ‘real’ name and how to out-fox them. Followed by a hall of shame choke full with hilarious, revolting, offensive, and reformed wankers. And a single sweet keeper.

This section ends with heart warming Q & As from the London premier of ‘Pennie’: a documentary film about the multilayered life of a migrant sex worker, MMA fighter, and student, directed by Lola Clavo.


Dec. 2018: P2


Nov. 2018: P3