Aug. 2017: P2

A history of the intersectional sex workers rights movement in Taiwan.

Radio AvA hosting an episode of Nine Eglantine Yamamoto-Masson’s News From The Sun.
Nine Eglantine Yamamoto-Masson is a French-Japanese artist, a PHD candidate and co director of the artist platform Artists Without A Cause. She is a practising theorist, community organiser and activist. Her work examines and mobilises historical memory, ideology, resistance and counter-narratives at the site of their encounter with art, and discusses radical creative imagination as a critical forum and method of resistance towards social equity and justice.
Nine interviewed Peiyu Kuo of COSWAS (Collective Of Sex Workers And Supporters) in Taipei, in the condemned WenMeng House, a historical heritage site and former municipal brothel that was the nexus of the movement for sex workers rights of the 1990s. Peiyu gives a short history of the Taiwan sex workers rights movement from 1987 to today and illuminates the intersections in the Taiwanese sex workers rights movement.


Oct. 2017: P1


Aug. 2017: P1