Apr. 2018: P3

The last episode of Radio AvA's epic 2nd Bday! SESTA / FOSTA. London Queer Porn Festival. Auntie Wussy.

All you didn’t want to know about the new US anti sex workers legislation SESTA / FOSTA, who is it really targeting (hint: people of colour, trans women and migrants) and how it effects us. With reports of workers harmed by it, rage, fear & loathing, and some useful tips about alternative online platforms for work and safety. Many thanks to Three in the Pink, Best Practice Policy, and Sadie Slyfox in Overland, PJ Starr and SAAFE.
A retrospective for Pandora / Blake at the London queer porn film festival, with insights about feminist porn making and how to handle increasingly hostile UK legislation censuring feminist and queer sexual representations.
Auntie Wussy Pillow dispenses granny knickers and advice on client’s expiry dates, safer practice of water sports and tricks for keeping work boundaries.


May. 2018: P1


Apr. 2018: P2