Aug.2019: P1

Controlling partners. Nightwood. Naked Anthropologist News. Interview with a Bangalore sex worker.

- 10:00 A question from Steph to Auntie Wussy about how to deal with partners who worry about our work and outing ourselves, effecting THEM.
- 24:30 News from the many worlds of sex work plucked from cyberspace by the Naked Anthropologist, Laura Agustín, and read by Gia
-37:45 Radio B Easy: Tongue twisting excerpts from 'Nightwood' by Djuna Barnes.
- 50: 22 Holly interviews Padma from Sadhana Mahila Sangha, in Karnataka, South India, about sex workers’ realities and police brutality in Bangalore.


Aug.2019: P2


July.2019: P3